Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pest Magnet

I'm going completely nuts in my own house these days. I have a hard time falling asleep. I wear socks at all times. I'm constantly scanning surfaces for any trace of them.

We have a mouse in the house.

Okay, we have more than one but I'm refusing to admit it to myself because oh my lord, the word MICE makes my skin crawl. *Shudder.* I'm fairly certain there's more than one because we've caught six already. La la la, I didn't just see myself type that on the computer screen.

I have no idea why they're invading our house this year. I clean all the time, I swear! I don't have piles of junk or containers of open food laying around. We have a dog! Why the heck doesn't she scare them away? It probably has nothing to do with the fact that my husband leaves the door wide open when he runs out to get the mail. Or the fact that I leave the door connecting our garage to the house open when Tory falls asleep in the car. I'm sure it has nothing to do with those reasons at all.

To make matters worse, Andi doesn't seem to be affected. He sets out traps and dumps the dead little mouse bodies into the trash. And repeat. I beg him to call a pest control company and he rolls eyes his at me like I'm a crazy lady. It's just this time of year, he says. Easy for him to say! I'm a prisoner in my own home! The fact that we've caught (cough, cough) more than one of them is a good sign, he says. The poison is working! Yay for dead mice littering my floors.

For some reason, pests just love us. At our old house in the city, it was pigeons and raccoons. Our old backyard was covered in bird poop and one night we awoke to the thump of a raccoon falling off our roof. At the cabin, we have a infestation of bees. I swat them like no big deal, but Andi screams like a little girl every time one flies near him. I guess we all have our own little critter weakness.

For the first time ever, I'm actually excited for a deep freeze in Minnesota because maybe the cold will stop these pests once and for all. Until then, we're living in a sea of mouse traps and high-tech LED ultrasonic pest repellers. Does anyone else think the childhood game of Mouse Trap wasn't so fun after all? DISGUSTING.


  1. I have the same fear of the gross little creatures! Funny story though I was nannying once and we opened the door to walk back into the house after a visit to the park and a HUGE black bird flew in. I had no idea what to do so I cornered it into a bedroom and shut the door. It was not a fun day!!

  2. Oh my gosh That is just too much. though, on a different note... love to have you posting every day :)

  3. OMG!! We live in an old farm house in the country so we get them every fall and it always seems to be when the hubby is out of town. Last fall around this time I thought they were back, but it turns out there was a #%(@&% MUSKRAT in our BASEMENT!!! I almost died & since I was home alone had to deal with it. No idea how it got in there either. Anyways, this spring we spray foamed our unfinished basement and i think that will help.

    Since we have started putting poison out in the basement it has gotten way better. Oh & if you see little holes you could try steel wool. And, like you, I'm a little OCD with my sweeping & cleaning.

  4. Yikes! I could not live with mice! Don't they tend to move in doors more so once the freeze comes? We had a mouse once, a field mouse that got in from the kids leaving the door to the back deck ope and we got these little one-time use traps where the mouse gets trapped inside and you just throw the whole thing out. We still keep a few up in certain areas of the house and in the garage just in case, but haven't caught another one in years (knock on wood!). Hope you get rid of the little critters soon!

  5. I tried to secretly get the Terminix guy into and out of my house for a major bee infestation earlier this fall. We'd had it since mid-July, but with Elle's birthday party on the horizon, I totally went behind Jon's back and called in the professionals. I told them I'd hire them if they could come when Jon wouldn't be home...the best laid plans...he walked in the door early!!! But, it turns out he was just as glad as I was to have the problem dealt with. Not endorsing secrecy and behind-the-backing it, but...a girls got to feel comfortable in her own home.
